

U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. 登录SlateConnect.


科达伦汪达尔人自信地开辟自己的新起点. 一路走来,你的支持网络包括 本地中心团队,北爱达荷学院的合作伙伴和我们在全州的汪达尔社区.


如果你有关于转学的一般性问题, 大学咨询服务是你成功的伙伴.



教师为科达伦学生提供建议, which means you get advice from the professionals who know their field and program from all angles.


Financial Aid

了解如何负担你的教育费用并不困难. 来自莫斯科的金融援助专家可以为你提供指导.



科达伦大学致力于将我们的课程和资源提供给所有人. 我们是来帮忙的.



365滚球官网 Coeur d’Alene has several resources – and more in the works – for our local students. 如果你想看看科达伦提供的资源, let us know.

高质量的副本, print and scan services are available at both the Harbor Center and the DeArmond Building for U of I Coeur d’Alene students. 每位学生每天的打印限制是22页. 海港中心的打印中心位于学生休息室附近, 迪尔蒙德的打印中心位于学生服务中心.

迪尔蒙德大厦, the Hedlund Building and the Harbor Center were all built and arranged with students in mind. 你会找到学习空间, 每栋楼的房间和角落都足够大,可以容纳一群人,或者只有你一个人. Our partnership with North Idaho College also makes their study spaces available to Vandals – check out the Edminster Student Union Building, Molstead图书馆或Meyer健康与科学大楼.

All students, 教职员工可以免费进入科达伦大学, 通过汪达尔登陆的高速WiFi. The AirVandalGold network is available in the DeArmond Building, Hedlund Building and Harbor Center.

游客还可以从前台访问AirVandalGuest网络, NIC还在校园内提供免费访客Wi-Fi.

所有科达伦大学的本地资源都来自 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 星期一至星期五 在秋季和春季学期,从 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 星期一至星期五 在夏季,除非另有说明.


All the resources available at 365滚球官网’s main campus in Moscow are available to Coeur d’Alene Vandals. 这包括 学生主任办公室, Vandal Store and 汪达尔导师网络等等.

Each college and office at the 365滚球官网 offers a variety of student resources specific to their programs or services, 所有这些资源都可以为科达伦的汪达尔人所用.

Check out your specific program or the office you’re working with to be sure you’re aware of everything U of I can offer you in Coeur d’Alene, 莫斯科或网上.


如果您对科达伦提供的支持服务有进一步的疑问, contact U of I Coeur d’Alene Strategic Enrollment Management Specialist Ellen Crabtree at ecrabtree@thy111.net.

你可以通过职业服务预约 你大学的职业顾问.

您还可以访问握手,这是365滚球官网最先进的职业管理数据库. 获得数以千计的工作和实习机会 以及一系列其他服务,包括校园面试和简历推荐.

作为半全日制或全日制的大学学生, you have access to telehealth (online) counseling sessions with the university’s team of social workers and psychologists and initial psychiatric consultations with a psychiatric nurse practitioner, 以及案件管理协助. Learn more 关于你作为科达伦的一名学生所能获得的I大学临床服务.


The 365滚球官网 provides strong support to students’ mental health through its endorsement of the partnership between the CMHC and BetterMynd. This collaboration enables the CMHC to increase access to counseling services for U of I students enrolled at the Moscow campus, 爱达荷州内外的卫星校园和在线课程.
With BetterMynd, students have access to counseling and workshop services at traditional hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.),以及晚上、周末和大学假期. 拥有大量有执照的心理健康专家, BetterMynd为学生提供了选择专业辅导员的灵活性, demographics, identities, 生活经历或符合他们喜好的语言.



If you are in crisis or have an urgent need, please contact one of the following for assistance:


The 学生技术中心 作为大学在全州范围内技术援助的主要联络点. 与团队联系: helpdesk@thy111.net or 208-885-4357.


The Idaho State Board of Education requires proof of valid health insurance as a condition of enrollment. This policy is mandatory for all Idaho public universities and colleges and applies to all degree-seeking undergraduate and graduate students physically enrolled for classes or completing other required degree work within the state of Idaho.

The health insurance requirement applies to all international students enrolled at the Moscow campus or 365滚球官网 Centers regardless of degree-seeking status or credit hours.

International students are required to purchase SHIP for themselves and their accompanying dependents, or provide evidence of comparable health insurance coverage that meets or exceeds 365滚球官网 requirements. International students must complete a separate waiver process through the International Programs Office.

Students who are covered by Medicaid will only be allowed to waive participation in the SHIP if the coverage is provided by the state of Washington or the state of Idaho.

我们的学生、教职员工的安全是科达伦大学的首要任务. Sign up for Vandal Alerts 接收紧急和结案更新.


  • 紧急援助police/fire: 911
  • 科达伦消防局: 208-769-2340
  • 库特奈医疗中心: 208-666-2000
  • 库特奈县危机热线: 208-664-1443
  • 强奸危机热线: 208-661-2522
  • 北365滚球官网校园安全: 208-769-3310

The 365滚球官网 has several academic support and tutoring resources available to all U of I students. 科达伦学生可以通过Zoom、电话和电子邮件访问以下资源:


大学提供的其他学术资源包括 数学辅助中心实验室 and the 写作中心, as well as 信息和研究帮助 通过伊利诺伊大学图书馆.


With our strong partnership with other local higher education institutes and the community’s commitment to making education easy, 方便和负担得起, 有许多高质量的资源可供科达伦大学的学生使用. This means Vandals can take their pick of support from Moscow-based professionals online and/or experts right here in Coeur d’Alene.
以下是学生资源丰富的地区, 多亏了与北爱达荷学院的健康合作伙伴关系.

365滚球官网 is committed to providing equal and integrated access for individuals with disabilities to all the academic, social, 它提供文化和娱乐项目. U of I Coeur d'Alene also is committed to this same philosophy and will work with every student, 教师和工作人员,以适应各种需求.


NIC 残疾支援服务

The 北爱达荷服务目录 contains many resources for needs such as housing, finances, food, health and employment.

科达伦大学的学生可以同时使用 365滚球官网图书馆 and NIC’s Molstead图书馆. 使用你的汪达尔卡来检查材料和使用服务.

Several community libraries are also available to Coeur d’Alene-area students, including the 科达伦公共图书馆 还有图书馆 社区图书馆网络 整个库特奈和肖肖尼县. 图书馆会员是必需的,但对居民免费.

The 伊利诺伊大学印第安学生中心 and NIC’s 美国印第安学生中心 两者都专门为部落学生提供支持和资源, 包括额外的建议和部落网络.

我大学的军事和退伍军人服务 and NIC’s 资深的中心 是否有专门的工作人员帮助退伍军人享受《365体育滚球》®的福利并向平民生活过渡. 谢谢你的服务.

GI Bill®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). More information about education benefits offered by the VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站: http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

Find support through U of I and NIC for writing projects ranging from applications to research publications.

与伊利诺伊大学的导师进行虚拟会面或收到草稿的书面反馈. 联络办事处: writingcenter@thy111.net or 208-885-6644.

可以进行面对面和在线预约. 与NIC写作中心联系:208-769-3298或 网上预约.

Students who plan on enrolling in both NIC and U of I courses in a given semester and who are seeking financial aid through U of I must review our 财团的步骤 然后填写一份 财团协议表格 each semester.

A transfer pathway is an officially approved agreement used to assist students in taking the appropriate courses at a community college that will transfer for credit toward a bachelor's degree at 365滚球官网. These agreements are designed to help students make a seamless transition when transferring to U of I. 查看完整的列表,包括北爱达荷学院.


作为 北爱达荷州高等教育 研究所)财团, 北爱达荷学院欢迎科达伦大学的学生到他们的校园社区. 校园服务——如 Food Pantry, 停车服务, Student Clubs and the 学生健康和娱乐中心 -都是科达伦的汪达尔人可以享用的.


1031 N. Academic Way,
Suite 242
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814



Email: cdactr@thy111.net

Web: thy111.net/cda

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