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Student 玛德琳大型发 prepares for career in national security through unique opportunities at U of I

Complex computer coding is not usually something that political studies majors study. 玛德琳·科特莱特,伊格尔高中的高年级学生 主修政治学, adding this technical skill helps prepare her for her dream career in national security.

最初是计算机科学专业, Curtright developed an interest in politics during her sophomore year.

 “I started watching the ‘West Wing’ - a show about politicians, and I was amazed at how the characters found a way to make a career out of politics,”她说。. “They were doing really cool stuff that I didn’t even know that was possible.”

这个节目促使她改了学位. 同时还对国家安全充满热情, 她决定不再坐在电脑后面, 她想与其他人一起制定政策.

“I initially chose computer science because I didn’t really think that I could have a good steady job in other things that I liked,科特赖特说. “但我学会了如果你探索你的选择, 有很多方法可以让你从事自己喜欢的事业.”


玛德琳大型发, a senior 主修政治学 and minoring in computer science and international studies, 2020年林德利奖的获得者是谁.
The 林德利奖 is presented each year to the top graduating senior in the 文学、艺术和社会科学学院 who is deemed the most outstanding in scholarship and character. 这是班级学生可以获得的最高奖项. 1962年由杰出校友欧内斯特·K. 林德利, the award was created as a memorial to his parents Ernest Hiram and Elizabeth Kidder 林德利.
看到 林德利奖获奖者的完整名单.


自从她转移了注意力, Curtright’s passion and ambition soon drove her to get involved with on-campus and community organizations, including the Latah County Democrats and Model European Union, as well as a research project about democratic attitudes in the United States.

"I get to have so many opportunities that might be significantly more competitive at a bigger school.玛德琳大型发

“U of I is unique in terms of mentorship 和 relationships that I have with my professors,”她说。. “这个项目的规模让他们知道我是谁, 正因为如此, I get to have so many opportunities that might be significantly more competitive at a bigger school.”

She spent her senior year a McClure 研究 Scholar, an intensive internship offered through the 政治哲学系 和 麦克卢尔公共政策研究中心 在博伊西. The McClure Scholars Program allows participating students to conduct research on issues affecting Idaho legislature, 报告草案, 并将其提交给州议员.

Curtright with fellow McClure interns and State Representative Caroline Nilsson Troy
Curtright (second from left) poses with fellow McClure interns and State Representative Caroline Nilsson Troy

“Madeleine crafted an incredibly well-researched report on liquor licensing in Idaho, 特别是S1040,玛基·麦克布雷尔说, 政治学助理教授.

作为麦克卢尔365滚球官网, Curtright采访了各种各样的利益相关者, including the bureaucrats responsible for administration of this policy in order to ascertain how S1040 would change the management and implementation of liquor licensing in Idaho.

Curtright traveled to Boise in February 2020 to present her report to state legislators.

“The legislators we talked to were incredibly interested in my topic and had lots of questions,科特赖特说. “One even asked for extra copies of the report to distribute to relevant committee chairs. It’s really amazing that my work as an undergrad might be used to inform decisions that will impact the whole state.’


Curtright’s ambition and drive to influence public policy seeped into the Moscow community.

大二的时候, Curtright earned internship credits through the political science department to manage the political campaigns for Senator David Nelson and County Commissioner Kathie LaFortune, 在莫斯科. She said having the flexibility to gain real-world experience while still being a full-time student was helpful so she could become involved in politics.

LaFortune said Curtright was an integral part of the success of her campaign, 全速跳进去, 让她的竞选走上正轨.

“Maddie was the calm and steady influence that I counted on when my own energy was failing,拉福琼说. “It was difficult to bail on yet one more night of hot summer door-knocking when I knew she would be there. 凌晨两点,最终结果出来的时候,她就在现场.m.我不确定谁更快乐.”

Curtright attributes these experiences to U of I 和 Moscow community.

“我最终得到了这份了不起的工作, that I definitely would not have gotten outside of Idaho or in any other area,”她说。.

Curtright will continue her campaign experience after earning her degree in May 2020. She will serve as campaign manager for a joint campaign representing three Democratic legislative candidates in Idaho’s District 5 – Senator Nelson, 杜尔西·克斯汀-拉克和蕾妮·洛夫.

Curtright plans to attend graduate school in fall 2021 to further study national security and foreign policy, 但她还没有决定上哪所学校.

得到教职员工的支持, 以及我大学提供给她的所有经历, 是大学毕业后找到正确道路的必要条件吗, 她说.

“I have been able to get all the skills I need for my newly discovered dream job and learn about all the things that interested me,科特赖特说. “The chance to make my country, and perhaps the entire world a better place is all the reward I need.”

Article by Cody Allred ’20, 文学、艺术和社会科学学院





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