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70.23 - University International Travel


  • Position: Travel Services Manager
  • Email:

Last updated: February 28, 2023

A. Definitions.

A-1. Authorized Third Party. Any person not a University employee or student, who is authorized to travel for University business, programs or other purposes, including, without limitation, volunteers, scholars, contractors, alumni, community members, guests, or public officials.

A-2. Faculty/Staff-Led University International Travel (FSIT). 大学国际旅行由一名UI员工领导,涉及UI本科生或研究生, employees, authorized third parties, alumni, or the public. FSIT may include but is not limited to travel for study, research, field work, service, internship, or volunteer work.

A-3. International Travel. Travel outside the 50 states of the U.S. Because travel to U.S. territories requires similar review in regard to risk, liability, and pre-departure assistance, 为了本政策的目的,它被包括在国际旅行的定义中.

A-4. Non-University International Travel. 与学校事务无关的国际旅行, programs, or other purposes, or 2) not approved pursuant to the procedure outlined in B-1. Examples include personal travel, such as spring break or vacation travel, and travel that is not approved by the University.

A-5. University International Travel. International travel that: 1) is related to University business, programs, 或其他目的;2)符合本程序规定的条件并已获得批准. 与批准的国际弹性工作协议相关的国际旅行必须符合FSH 3250.

A-6. Travel Advisory. Issued by the U.S. Department of State, 旅行警告以4分的等级发布,并描述了到世界上每个国家旅行的风险. Advisory Levels are as follows: Level 1: Exercise normal precautions; Level 2: Exercise increased caution; Level 3: Reconsider travel; Level 4: Do not travel. 有关旅游谘询系统及现行旅游谘询的进一步资料,请浏览以下网址:

A-7. University International Emergency Management Team (“UIEMT”). 一个由大学管理人员组成的特别委员会,负责支持和协助参加大学旅行或在国外进行大学业务的员工和学生处理紧急情况, such as  outbreaks of violence, political unrest, or medical emergencies. 在进行国际旅行之前,uemt也会考虑对这项政策的例外要求. UIEMT由国际项目办公室主任组成, the Study Abroad Director, the Vice Provost for Student Affairs or representative, Office of Risk Management (Risk) representative(s), Legal Counsel (as needed), and other faculty/administrators as needed.

B. Procedure.

B-1. Employee and Authorized Third-Party International Travel. 只有在旅行前至少30天发生以下情况时,365滚球官网才会授权上述A-1中所述的员工或授权第三方代表大学或在大学的赞助下进行国际旅行, 除非IPO明确批准更短的期限;

a. 通过使用旅行授权(见APM 70)提前获得批准.05); and

b. 通过国际项目办公室(“IPO”)的在线国际旅行登记系统向其进行旅行登记,该系统位于:, 其中应包括研究和经济发展办公室(“or”)对任何适用的出口管制和贸易制裁限制或禁令的审查。. 经批准的国际灵活工作协议(见FSH3250)被认为是大学国际旅行,并遵循与所有其他大学国际旅行相同的必要批准程序.

B-2. Faculty/Staff-Led International Travel. 带学生出国的员工必须在规定的截止日期前通过IPO的在线国际旅行系统获得此类旅行的批准:

B-3. Student International Travel. 只有在特定情况要求的最后期限内发生以下情况时,国际项目办公室才会代表学校或在学校的主持下授权学生进行国际旅行, but at least 30 days prior to travel, 除非IPO明确批准更短的期限;

a. 如适用,可通过使用旅行授权提前获得批准(见APM 70).05).;

b. 通过国际项目办公室(“IPO”)的在线国际旅行登记系统向其进行旅行登记,该系统位于:, 其中应包括研究和经济发展办公室(“or”)对任何适用的出口管制和贸易制裁限制或禁令的审查。.

B-4. Travel to Country or Region with Level 3 or 4 Advisory. 一般禁止前往3级或4级预警的国家或地区. 如欲豁免此禁令,可透过联络

B-5. Non-University International Travel. 未经事先批准的国际旅行将被视为非大学国际旅行, and will not be paid for or reimbursed by the University, including charging of costs to research grants or contracts; exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances, 但未经事先批准不得前往受ofac制裁的国家. 未完成完整审批程序的灵活出国旅行将导致非大学国际旅行,并需要在非大学国际旅行期间使用年假或无薪假. In addition, 任何非大学国际旅行的旅行者将不符合大学的保险范围, other than that provided as employee benefits, while traveling, 因旅行而引起的损害赔偿和任何法律问题的辩护将完全由旅行者负责. 非大学国际旅行的旅行者不得表示他们代表365滚球官网或获得365滚球官网的授权. 未经校长或指定人员书面批准,非学校国际差旅人员不得携带学校设备或资源,以满足学校的业务需要. Sanctions may apply for noncompliance with this policy.


Version History

Amended February 2023. Procedures updated to address international flexwork requests.

Amended January 2020. Comprehensive review. 更新程序,以配合国务院国际旅行咨询级别系统的变化.

Adopted February 2015.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
