
Physical Address:
Menard 101
711 S. Rayburn开车

Mailing Address:
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2321
莫斯科, ID 83844-2321

Main Office: 208-885-2255
招生: 208-885-2300
Legal Clinic: 208-885-6541
Office of the Dean: 208-364-4620

Fax: 208-885-5709

电子邮件: uilaw@u爱达荷州.edu

Physical Address:
博伊西,ID 83702

Mailing Address:
博伊西,ID 83702

Phone: 208-885-2255

Fax: 208-334-2176

电子邮件: uilaw@u爱达荷州.edu

Pro Bono Program

请注意: 这是一个 ACADEMIC PROGRAMCURRENT LAW STUDENTS. 它是 NOT a Pro Bono Legal Assistance Program,确实如此。 NOT a program available to the General Public. 这个学术公益项目不提供法律问题的咨询或代表.

Individuals in need of legal assistance, and who are not already working with an attorney, 应联系爱达荷州律师协会的爱达荷州志愿律师计划 http://isb.idaho.gov/ilf/ivlp/ and/or its Lawyer Referral Service at http://isb.idaho.gov/lawyer-referral-service/. 可通过电话208-334-4500与这两个实体联系. 对于经济条件一般的个人来说,如果有问题,可能在我们的内部临床服务范围内, please visit our clinical programs.

我们对公共服务的承诺的核心是我们强制性的无偿项目(除了我们的公共服务实习项目和内部临床项目). 每个学生都必须完成至少50小时的律师监督的无偿法律工作, guided by the principles of Rule 6.美国律师协会职业行为示范规则1,以便毕业. 我们的项目是美国律师协会(ABA)法学院公益项目的最高类别, 爱达荷州是全国为数不多的法学院之一, and among the even smaller few in the Western U.S., with such a program.

无偿服务要求的目的包括向学生灌输一种承诺,即他们作为律师的责任,通过帮助得不到服务和代表人数不足的人来回馈社会,促进正义. As a result of the program, students gain practical legal experience, 客户得到了服务,法律服务提供者获得了宝贵的帮助.

学生有机会在广泛的环境中履行他们的公共服务要求, including legal service organizations, government agencies, private firms (pro bono cases), nonprofits and legislative offices. All work must be of a legal nature, approved by the director of the pro bono, and professionally supervised.

不像我们的生活, in-house legal aid clinic, 我们的强制性无偿服务项目不接受直接客户, 我们的公益主管不能提供法律建议或指派学生处理特定客户的案件. 而, 我们的学生寻找律师已经无偿参与的项目, 然后,我们的学生运用他们的法律培训来协助律师处理客户的案件或其他经批准的无偿法律工作, like group projects.

Pro Bono In为mation

Pro Bono Documents

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Group Project Examples

大多数学生为各种各样的客户找到或开发个人项目, in coordination with private, public and non-profit attorneys throughout Idaho, the West and the nation. 另外, 许多学生在小组项目中进行公益工作, like the following:

The Othello Project: In this recurring project, groups of students spend weeks preparing 为, and days delivering, pro bono services to farm workers, 大多是移民和外来务工人员,英语对他们来说不是母语, 《365滚球官网》, 华盛顿, area. 学生们通过拼车大约两个小时的车程,经常在寄宿家庭或社区中心过夜. 学生们, 在当地执业律师的监督下,并与社区组织协调, educate workers about the law, per为m intake interviews and referrals, and give real-time advice on legal matters, including landlord-tenant matters, employment rights, education rights and other legal matters.

CASA程序: Substantial numbers of students, 通常通过公共利益法律团体或其他学生团体进行协调, 接受深入培训,然后被任命为法定监护人,代表有需要的儿童的利益,这些儿童的权利在家庭中有争议, 在科达伦部落法院进行儿童福利和其他法庭诉讼, 爱达荷州第二地区法院和爱达荷州的其他法院.

Citizenship Day/Week学生们前往博伊西(300英里外),在那里呆上几天, 在律师的监督下,并与爱达荷州志愿律师计划和其他公益组织协调, 为移民在成为美国公民的最后阶段提供建议和帮助.

遗嘱的项目: In a group event over one or many days, 学生教育贫困和服务不足的公众成员关于共同需求和有关遗嘱的法律, living wills and powers of attorney, and then prepare such documents 为 the clients; this is all per为med under the supervision of attorneys and in cooperation with the Taxation, 遗嘱认证, & Trust Law Section of the Idaho State Bar, 以及爱达荷志愿律师项目和其他公益组织. 该项目过去服务过的服务不足和有需要的群体包括固定收入的老年人, same-sex and other unmarried couples, 和退伍军人.

Alternative Spring Break当前位置公益法律小组每年都会组织一个另类春假项目. 在过去, 学生们利用一周的假期,在专业人士的监督下,在墨西哥湾沿岸的卡特里娜飓风灾区提供无偿服务, 就职于华盛顿国家退伍军人法律服务项目, D.C., at the Center 为 Justice in Spokane, 华盛顿, in the Citizenship Day/Week programs in 博伊西, 在博伊西的爱达荷志愿律师和爱达荷法律援助办公室工作.

Idaho Heritage Project

爱达荷州遗产项目-农村服务奖学金基金为暑期实习的学生提供奖学金支持, 校外实习期, 或者在爱达荷州的农村社区提供无偿服务.

Anne-Marie Fulfer


Menard 11



Location: 莫斯科
Fax: 208-885-2252

View Anne-Marie's Profile


Physical Address:
Menard 101
711 S. Rayburn开车

Mailing Address:
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2321
莫斯科, ID 83844-2321

Main Office: 208-885-2255
招生: 208-885-2300
Legal Clinic: 208-885-6541
Office of the Dean: 208-364-4620

Fax: 208-885-5709

电子邮件: uilaw@u爱达荷州.edu

Physical Address:
博伊西,ID 83702

Mailing Address:
博伊西,ID 83702

Phone: 208-885-2255

Fax: 208-334-2176

电子邮件: uilaw@u爱达荷州.edu