University of Idaho - I Banner


University of Idaho is a proud affiliate of 美国蜜蜂校园, a certification awarded by the Xerces社会 that serves to recognize university campuses that work to conserve native pollinator species by increasing native plantings in landscaping, providing nesting sites and reducing the use of pesticides.

作为会员, we commit to creating and enhancing native pollinator habitat through our landscaping choices, service-learning and educational opportunities.

Native Pollinators of the Palouse Region

Native Planting Sites on Campus

作为 Student Sustainability Cooperative’s Sustainable Initiative Fund program, students in the Society for Conservation Biology club designed, planted and continue to maintain the native pollinator garden along Paradise Path at the east end of Guy Wicks Field. This garden is the site of several annual student volunteer events.

In 2010, University of Idaho and the Army Corp of Engineers exposed nearly a quarter mile of creek that was routed under Paradise Creek Street. This project realigned Paradise Creek with the historic channel location, improved flood mitigation characteristics and restored the local riparian habitat. 联邦, 状态, municipal and non-profit partners assisted the university in daylighting this section of the creek and planted 18,980 trees and shrubs to stabilize the creek banks and restore the native ecosystem.


Download our Native Plant Nurseries list for where to find native pollinator plants.

志愿者 with the Student Sustainability Cooperative to help build and maintain native pollinator habitats.

  • Celine Accord, AES Project Landscape Architect
  • Craig Carson, Campus Landscape Manager
  • 莎拉·道森博士.D., University Sustainability Director (chair)
  • Madison Dougherty, Environmental Science graduate student
  • Anna Hawes, Entomology graduate student
  • Iris Mayes博士.D., Small Farms and Horticulture Extension Educator
  • Karl Meyer, Environmental Horticulturalist
  • Raymond Pankopf, Director of Architectural and Engineering 服务
  • 大卫·鲁恩博士.D., Natural 资源 and Society 教师
  • Olivia Wiebe, Sustainability Manager (co-chair)

For more information, contact

via Office of the President

Moscow, ID 83844-3151

Phone: 208-310-5985


U of I Sustainability